I have been improving the wacom python panel I posted about last time -- to try to solve the issues with the number of nodes I would end up with, also the file size of the .hip files were too large. In the last version, I was saving the curve data as a string on the SOP node, but this made for large files sizes. I was also using the parms on the SOP node to configure a bunch of things for the line (like the duplication, taper and width settings.) which caused me to have to create too many nodes when I wanted to vary the settings. I am now using the "geometry data" parm type on the SOP node to save the curve data. I am storing all of the configuration (duplication, tapering, width etc) in primitive data and have moved the settings to the python panel interface, rather than the SOP interface. This means that I don't have to create a new node to have different settings for a curve. I needed to add a selection tool, curve tool, and a freehand tool to the opython inter...
There is no doubt that Houdini is a most unusual creature, for this is a hamster with an advanced vocabulary and a terribly immodest opinion of his own superior brain power. Houdini believes without question that hamsters are a higher form of life than humans. He is, however, a kindhearted creature (generally speaking) and tolerates the bumbling ways of humans well enough.